Halloween first originated 2000 years ago in Ireland from an ancient Celtic festival. People would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts.
Later it was the Irish immigrants heading to the United States that helped make Halloween what it is today. In the late 1800’s it became more of a holiday celebration where community and neighbours get together, carve pumpkins, trick or treat and dress up in colourful and scary costumes. Today, Americans spend an estimated $6 billion annually on Halloween.
Here in Australia the day/night is growing although there are still some Aussies who think, ‘it’s an American thing’.
This year Halloween will look very different because of Covid. Here in Melbourne the government has outlined the do’s & dont’s. You can have a Halloween scavenger hunt which includes going for a walk and spotting anything Halloween themed from house to house from a distance of course. If you want to dress up in costume you must still wear a mask as a costume mask is deemed as not suitable. Also, no trick or treating or knocking on house doors for lollies. Instead, you can leave individual lolly bags at the front of the house for kids to take.